As a software developer, I’ve always been passionate about the potential of code to create immersive experiences. So, when I decided to participate in my first game jam, the excitement was palpable. The Mini Jam, a 72-hour-long video game development marathon hosted on, was my chosen battlefield. Every two weeks, this jam challenges developers with a theme and a unique limitation, pushing the boundaries of creativity and innovation.

This jam’s theme was “Fishing,” a concept ripe with potential. However, the real twist came with the announcement of the limitation at the start of the jam: No water. Initially, this threw our plans into disarray. How could we create a fishing game without water? But as we chewed over this curveball, it sparked an unexpected burst of creativity. Our solution? “Fish & Chip” – a mystical journey set in a world where the oceans have turned to sand, and magic replaces water.

The Genesis of “Fish & Chip”

“Fish & Chip” invites players into a realm transformed, where they assume the role of a legendary Desert Fisher. Using their typing skills, players cast their lines into the dunes to catch mystical fish hidden beneath the sands. This innovative gameplay mechanic blends typing games with fishing, creating a unique challenge that tests both speed and accuracy.

Our game was brought to life by a diverse team: myself, Chip, David, Holy, Nezt50, Retornodomal, Archandroid, and KBVE. We utilized the Phaser engine, integrated with Astro, React, TailwindCSS, and several other libraries to build our game. Credit also goes to FinalBossBlues and Annoraaq for the base tilemap data and placeholder assets, which we extensively redesigned to fit our sandy theme. The protagonist, Chip, was meticulously hand-drawn before being pixelated, showcasing the incredible talent within our team.

Overcoming the Limitation

The limitation of no water initially seemed like a setback but ultimately served as the bedrock of our game’s identity. Transforming the limitation into the cornerstone of our creative direction, we developed a desert-themed mini RPG that incorporated fishing in a way no one expected. This not only allowed us to meet the challenge head-on but also to innovate within the confines of the jam’s criteria.

The Jam Results

After an intense 72 hours, “Fish & Chip” was born, and the results were more than encouraging. We ranked in several categories among dozens of entries, a testament to the hard work and creativity of our team:

  • Presentation: #76
  • Concept: #91
  • Overall: #96
  • Use of the Limitation: #99
  • Enjoyment: #110

These results, derived from 34 ratings, reflect the game’s reception and the potential for future development. The feedback has been invaluable, highlighting both our game’s strengths and areas for improvement.

Looking Forward

While “Fish & Chip” was born out of a game jam, the journey doesn’t end here. Encouraged by the feedback and the enjoyment we had in creating this game, we’re considering further development. The dream? To evolve “Fish & Chip” from a game jam project into a full-fledged game.

Final Thoughts

Participating in the Mini Jam was an incredible learning experience. It challenged us to think outside the box, work under pressure, and collaborate effectively. The limitation, initially daunting, proved to be a source of inspiration, reminding us that creativity truly does thrive within constraints.

As for the cookies, let’s just say that both the physical and the browser variety played a significant role in fueling our creativity throughout this adventure.

Stay tuned for more updates on “Fish & Chip,” and thank you to everyone who supported us on this journey. This game jam might have been my first, but it certainly won’t be my last.

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By BChip

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